lundi 18 février 2008


that record showed up on ebay without any snippets. It was a record from boston and I had a pretty good feeling about it. Nobody else bid on it so I got this gem for $10. This is a great EP, the Boston scene is def kickin!

Israel is the joint right here

Enjoy this Ep



6 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Dope record man
Thanks for sharing
You are puttin some fire stuff


Anonyme a dit…

thanks for this blog!

Anonyme a dit…

Thanks for this Record (and, in fact, for the last 5), some maaad props. Israel's just sick.

Anonyme a dit…

yo cart, 2 things:

1.we miss u @ slsk man, where have you been!!!

2.does the cover of this one says 'cash flow ep'?
cause looking at the labels i can tell the name of the vinyl is C.I., cause where the credits are shown, it says:

all lyrics by kavasci

and not

all lyrics by kavasci c.i.

what do you think?or say?
peace man, thanks for all the good stuff!

Brakkbacda a dit…


lasensii = cartoon = mrc.

there's only one and only man on this planet who got that kavasci ci, and he own this blog.
*grincements de dents*

Anonyme a dit…

1.we miss u @ slsk man, where have you been!! <<<

Ah Ah u miss me nooo :( :p i will be back but later...
by kavasci ci or kavasci yes i think its same... not sure -_-


Ah Ah kel balance celui la de brakkouuusssss